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Money When You Need It

Enjoy life more. Worry about money less.

save money for unexpected expenses
Create a Savings Plan Using Sinking Funds to Help With

• Irregular (non-monthly) expenses

• Emergencies

• Large planned expenses like vacations

How Triggator Can Help

alligator expenses are non-monthly expenses that bite you

Prevent Budget Busters

We'll help you plan for non-monthly expenses we like to call "alligator expenses."

These expenses only happen periodically and can easily be forgotten about. They lay in wait and then ambush you like a alligator after prey.

Use Triggator to build an easy savings plan into your budget so you have money when you need it.

save a little money from each paycheck

Money When You Need It

Like an old fashioned bucket brigade, you can save a little bit of money from each paycheck.

Your savings will grow a little at a time until you have a padded account. 

Use Triggator to assign this money to a specific "job". When an emergency, an "alligator expense" (non-monthly expense), or a vacation comes around, you should have the money you need.

Like an old fashioned bucket brigade, you can save a little bit of money from each paycheck.

Your savings will grow a little at a time until you have a padded account. 

Use Triggator to assign this money to a specific "job". When an emergency, an "alligator expense" (non-monthly expense), or a vacation comes around, you should have the money you need. 

reach your savings goals with Triggator

Reach Your Savings Goals

Sometimes our money burns a hole in our pocket and it's spent before we ever hit our ultimate goal.

By tracking your savings with a purpose, you can maintain your motivation to reach your own personal goals.

Score one for my sinking fund! My dog developed a raging ear infection. I had $405 in my pet care sinking fund. She’s going to be ok.

Sara O.

Thank goodness for sinking funds. The day my daughter told me she was getting married I started one and I can officially say the wedding is being paid for with cash.

Tamara J.

I started a sinking fund at the beginning of the year for my daughters sweet 16 birthday. So far I have saved up $408. Probably the first time I’ve saved for an event. This sinking funds thing is a THING! 

Miranda P.

Don't Hesitate, Get Started With Triggator Today!

Start saving with a purpose now!

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