Download cheat sheets, worksheets and sign up for the bonus from this page.
Cheat Sheets
Excel Cheat Sheet – A walk through of how to organize a .CSV file from your bank to identify your current spending habits using Excel.
Google Sheets Cheat Sheet – A walk through of how to organize a .CSV file from your bank to identify your current spending habits using Google Sheets.
Current Spending and Alligator Worksheets – Use these worksheets to track your current spending and identify Alligator Expenses that like to sneak up on you.
From Busted to Balanced Challenge
This is a free, 5-day challenge delivered to you via email.
You will receive 1 email a day for 5 days. Each email will contain a video lesson that takes you step-by-step through setting up and automating your budget.
To receive this bonus, please enter your email below: